A Crossdressers' Bill of Rights
by Jane Ellen Fairfax
We have the right to expect our spouses to accept that our crossgendered side
is an integral part of us that cannot be "cured" or "wished
We have the right to make available educational literature for our spouses,
suggest means by which they can talk with other spouses, suggest couples'
counselors who provide a level playing field for both crossdresser and spouse, and otherwise
encourage our spouses to educate themselves about crossdressing.
We have the right to reasonable outlets for our need for crossgender expression,
subject to sensible limitations posed by job, family and social considerations.
We have the right to honest and open communication with our spouses, with
negotiation and compromise on both sides, particularly in regard to acceptable outlets for
crossgender expression and in matters pertaining to telling our children.
We have the right to freedom from guilt imposed from without or within.
We have the right to belong to support groups that promote our own personal
growth and well-being, help us to understand our spouses' needs, and provide tools for
We have the right to support groups for our spouses that encourage mutuality,
communication, and renewal of relationships.
We have the right to freedom from discrimination in jobs, housing, and public
We have the right to be treated with dignity and respect by our spouses and
families, and by society.
We have the right to be asked for our permission before our clothes, makeup, jewelry
or personal items are borrowed.
We have the right to personal time in which to get in touch with our own masculinitiy
and femininity, pursue our personal growth, and work on creative projects.
We have the right, and indeed, the responsibility, to contribute positively to our
family, community and society while expressing our gender.