Chi Upsilon Iota Tri-Ess


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Welcome to Chi Upsilon Iota

We are a local chapter of TRI-ESS here in Central Illinois.
Tri-Ess is an educational, social and support group for heterosexual crossdressers,
their spouses or partners and their families.

Here at Tri-Ess we believe that we are blessed with an additional facet to our personalities.
If we accept our crossgendered side, and explore it, we will find a broadening of the entire personality,
which can be very fulfilling.

Please visit the links to the left to learn more about what CUI and TRI-ESS is and what we have to offer you.
Remember, you are not alone.


We have changed our location from Springfield back to our roots in Champaign. 
We are meeting at the home of Lisa and Vicki.

Contact me directly for the address if you need it.

Tonight's meeting will involve lessons on waxing our eyebrows and as always great food and conversation.